Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Glitterfest sneek peek 2

I am selling the kits to make these adorable little clothes pin Trick or Treaters, they stand on vintage wood dominos! And my piece de resistance- my soldered glass houses. I was going to embellish the insides but then I noticed how versatile they are if you just leave the bottom open. You can put them a top anything and change it as you like. I think the trick or treaters look awfully cute in them! However, they take a looooong time to make so my girlfriend Kathleen is coming over to have "solderfest" and we are going to bang them out!



  1. Such cute little trick or treaters and I LOVE the soldered glass houses. VERY cool!

  2. Oh my gosh!!!!! Love the house I NEED one:)

  3. Hi Denise - I so love your halloween door ornaments and of course, the little vignettes in your houses! You are rockin the house!
