When Sandra and I first met at work, it was rumored that we would be the best of friends or worst of enemies. We are both alpha type females, and everyone thought our personalities would clash. Luckily for us we became the best of friends. We have laughed together, travelled together, cried together, and have always been a person with whom we would allow ourselves to be weak in front of. I really never thought that Sandra would EVER find a life mate! Not that she wasn't beautiful, smart and had a great personality, but she was just so dammed particular! Whenever she dated someone there always seemed to be a sort of "deal" breaker. His job, or nose size, or the way he stood, or he had an accent, or whatever! But then along came Bill. With Bill there were no deal breakers! He was handsome, intelligent, kind, funny, sharp dresser, and had agood job, ect, ect! That doesn't mean that either of them did not come into it with their imperfections, but that to me is what finding a partner is all about. Someone with imperfections you find tolerable! We are all puzzle pieces and it's just a matter of finding which piece fits with you. Bill and Sandra are perfectly matched puzzle pieces! I am so glad they found each other and I wish them many year of happiness!

Me and my Puzzle Piece at the reception
a glowing bride!
I made the cake!
-sweet dreams to you and Bill
Cheers to you and your best friend. Weddings are the best reminder of the excitement of love.