Okay so I have an absolute love of classic novels, so why did I never get into Jane Austen? How did I miss her? I guess it would come from the novels we were "required" to read in school and somehow Jane just never was on the list. Perhaps it was misogynistic male english teachers! So when I was at Kim Caldwells last Artistic Affaire event and Kim had told me her next event was Jane Austen inspired. I thought to myself... Jane, why have I never read her? So I picked up Pride and Prejudice and read away. I also read up on her life and immediately saw the draw so many have to her. So thank you Kim for introducing me to this amazing author. I can't wait to read more. Even though I won't be able to attend this event, I am sending forth a fabric art piece for Kim to give away. I love how it came out and look forward to making some more Jane inspired pieces. The ladies at this event will be swinging by my friend Julies' shop and I hope to have a few Jane pieces done by then. So what shall I read next for inspiration?
Denise - very cool! I'm a major Pride and Prejudice fan. I've read the book more times than I can count and have watched teh BBC version just as much! Your piece is lovely!
Denise - very cool! I'm a major Pride and Prejudice fan. I've read the book more times than I can count and have watched teh BBC version just as much! Your piece is lovely!
ReplyDeleteThat is gorgeous! I hope I win:)
ReplyDeleteHoly doodle!! I hope I win!!