So this was my first time organizing a Craft Fair. I met Kelli Johnson the Farmers Market Manager through the owner of the Vintage Emporium, where I sell my creations. Kelli wanted to combine local crafters and artisans together and I told her I would do it! I had about 20 vendors interested and of the 15 that confirmed to show, 14 showed! Not bad for a show that required no up front booth fee. Although the sales results were mixed, so many of the vendors asked to come back! The show had a wonderful relaxed vibe to it, and was fairly busy. I think that a lot of people weren't really expecting to see so many other offerings, or were there to buy food, not other stuff. I think with time and consistency that will change and we can carve out a nice little niche. The market is only 2 months old, and gets bigger every week. I am hoping to run it again Sunday March 14th. Since the booth fee is only 10% of sales, even if you have a bad day, it's still a good day!
My friends showed up to cheer us on; Tom and Sandie (Thanks Sandi for breaking the ice on my first sale of the day!) Nan of Nansglam, Becke of OceanAvenueSilks and Annie of Anniekdesigns and Codyscloset . Nan brought me a big back of wooden cigar boxes and some very cool stones for my collage art. Annie is a property manager and unfortunately had to evict a cabinet shop owner and ended up with all of these Cabinet face samples! They are going to make some very cool pieces!
My Mom was on hand as always to help sell and she did a great job. It's always fun just to hang out.
The inventory I didn't sell will go to the Vintage Emporium on Monday. Hopefully I can sell a few pieces in the next few it Easter already!???

Cute set up! That little table is awesome.