Well, at least my ankle is. It's been almost 3 weeks since I broke my ankle at my roller derby banked track scrimmage. I can't explain it but in my head I equated getting hurt with my skill and fitness as a skater. I feel like such a failure. I know logically, skill has nothing to do with injury, even professional athletes break stuff. Still what could I have done to prevent this, and how will I prevent it in the future? I guess I have about 3 months to figure that all out. The bright side to all of this was that I could just sit and craft all day! Well easier said than done. Although I was determined to get off my painkiller meds as quickly as possible, the simple fact is, not keeping my foot elevated causes swelling and pain. On top of that I can not bear ANY weight on my right leg, and my craft room is stacked to the ceiling with supplies! So that means a lot of hopping around on one foot.
I already am a messy maker, and as I struggle to get those pop dots off my shelf- I want to keep them close so I don't have to go back.... now I find myself buried in stuff as seen in the photo above! I know it will get better and a big part of healing is attitude, so I am keeping my chin up!